Sunday, 9 January 2011

sorting through footage...

Recently we've starting sorting through all the filming we've done so far. From the first lot of filming we done back in October which was for the first few seconds of the video which consisted of the main character (Kate) getting out of bed and getting ready andwalking down the road then onto the bustop scene which was Kate waiting at the stop then getting onto the bus to the footage from the studio. As we've got quite a large amount already we've had to save the footage over a number of usb's and transfer them onto the editing machines which is tedious and takes a lot of patience. The footage managed to over capacitate my usb meaning i had to delete some other things off it D;

After the transferral of footage we attempted to put some of it together on the editing machine. Nothing official but just seeing what we had and how well it went together. I feel that the process can be difficult because voicing an opinion can be hard as we all have so many ideas but so far its worked out well and we are experiencing how difficult it can be putting footage together because of the amount of different shots and seeing how well one follows on from the other but through hard work, diligence and determination I feel that this will not be a problem as Team Go For Gold are all about hard work, persistancy and determination :D

 the footage on adobe premier pro
Vanessa :D

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